Information about local regulations in Gamvik and Lebesby municipalities (corona virus-covid 19):


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Information about local regulations in Gamvik and Lebesby municipalities:

Gamvik and Lebesby municipalities are as of 15.03.20 without registered infection of corona virus-covid 19.

To keep it that way, we have introduced the quarantines at home for everyone travelling to the municipalities.

The quarantine lasts 14 days from arrival to our municipalities.
Exceptions apply to personnel which are deemed critical for society and emergency services, which cannot be performed from the home quarantine.

The exception also applies to work commuting between infection-free municipalities, where home office is impossible. Register this by calling or SMS to the local quarantine telephone, and give your name and profession. This is to keep track of any possible infection.

These regulation applied retroactively on Friday, 13.03.20 and until further notice.

In this context, Gamvik and Lebesby municipality are regarded as one geographical area.

We ask all our residents, commuters and visitors to respect these local regulations and follow the advice of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health/Folkehelseinstituttet at all times.


Chief Administrative Officer/Rådmannen


Local quarantine telephone numbers in Gamvik and Lebesby municipalities:

Gamvik Municipality: 90 23 01 56

Lebesby municipality: 97 99 09 50

Publisert: 20.03.2020 08.10
Sist endret: 20.03.2020 08.15